頂點 (電腦圖學)


在電腦圖學中,三角形或多邊形的頂點不僅與空間位置相關聯,而且也需要提供正確彩現物件所需的其他值或關聯資訊。這些資訊稱為頂點屬性(Vertex attributes)。頂點的大多數屬性表示彩現所需的空間向量。這些向量通常可能是一維(x)、二維(x,y)或三維(x,y,z)的向量,並會包含一個齊次座標的維度(w)。這些值通常可以代表要繪製的物件之材質(material)的描述。這些數據通常會在頂點著色器或頂點處理流程中被使用。[4]
頂點包含的資料通常是提供彩現物件所需。在早期版本的OpenGL中,頂點能包含的資料種類是固定的,並且要在起始函式的呼叫以及終止函式的呼叫之間依序傳入每個頂點的資料,在OpenGL 1.0中起始函式為glBegin、終止函式為glEnd[12]。最初電腦圖學中的頂點定義與幾何學類似,只包含空間位置資訊,並且要透過glVertex傳入資料[13]。顏色參數是額外的一個狀態變數,指定一次後後續會沿用先前最後一次給定的顏色[14]。關於其他的頂點屬性則是要在每個頂點定義glVertex之前給出[15]。而後來出現了著色器的概念[16],使得頂點定義能夠直接被程式開發人員決定。頂點的各項屬性被依序存入緩衝器中,並且輸入到頂點著色器中,頂點著色器中定義的每一個被標記為attribute的變數都是一個頂點的屬性,透過客製化這些屬性可以讓一些較複雜的演算法跟隨彩現流程一同完成,例如等值立方搜尋演算法[17]。
- ^ Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman. Real-Time Rendering. CRC Press. 2016. ISBN 9781498785631. LCCN 2008011580.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Andrew Garrard. Khronos Data Format Specification (PDF). Khronos Group. 2019-03-31.
- ^ Christen, Martin. Clockworkcoders Tutorials: Vertex Attributes. Khronos Group. [26 January 2009]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-12).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Vertex Shader Introduction (PDF). nvidia.
- ^ Tan, Ping and Lin, Stephen and Quan, Long and Guo, Baining and Shum, Heung-Yeung, Multiresolution Reflectance Filtering., Rendering Techniques, 2005: 111––116
- ^ RCA Corporation. RCA Electro-optics Handbook. RCA solid State. RCA/Commercial Engineering. 1974: p.18 ff. LCCN 75318901.
- ^ Warren J. Smith. Modern optical engineering. McGraw-Hill. 1966: p.228, 256.
- ^ Watt, Alan H.; Watt, Mark. Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques: Theory and Practice. Addison-Wesley Professional. 1992: 21–26. ISBN 978-0-201-54412-1.
- ^ Foley, James D.; van Dam, Andries; Feiner, Steven K.; Hughes, John F. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. (2nd ed. in C). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1996: 738–739. ISBN 0-201-84840-6.
- ^ Habel, Ralf and Wimmer, Michael, Efficient irradiance normal mapping, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (ACM), 2010: 189––195
- ^ Jacobson, Alec and Sorkine, Olga, Stretchable and twistable bones for skeletal shape deformation, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 30 (6) (ACM), 2011, 30 (6): 165
- ^ Martz, P. OpenGL Distilled. OpenGL. Pearson Education. 2006: 38. ISBN 9780132701785.
- ^ Bailey, M. and Cunningham, S. Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice, Second Edition. CRC Press. 2016. ISBN 9781439867754. LCCN 2011031720.
- ^ Guha, S. Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments. CRC Press. 2014. ISBN 9781482258400.
- ^ Shreiner, D. and Group, B.T.K.O.G.L.A.R.B.W. OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 3.0 and 3.1. Pearson Education. 2009. ISBN 9780321669278.
- ^ The RenderMan Interface Specification. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-16).
- ^ Goetz, Frank and Junklewitz, Theodor and Domik, Gitta, Real-Time Marching Cubes on the Vertex Shader., Eurographics (Short Presentations), 2005: 5––8